March, 2022

Can Your Doctor Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals?

Sunday, March 20th, 2022

Struggling to achieve your weight loss goals can be frustrating, to say the least. But, before throwing up your hands, you should consider talking to your doctor. 

Clinical weight loss plans are often the most effective for long-term weight loss. Your doctor can provide personalized recommendations based on your body’s unique needs. Additionally, with a physician-guided weight loss plan, you can steer clear of baseless diets, pills, and fads. 

The Benefits of a Doctor-Led Weight Loss Plan


Safety in weight loss is crucial. With a trained physician by your side throughout your weight loss journey, you can feel good knowing that your health and safety are being monitored by a professional. 

Science-Backed Methods 

Your doctor will only recommend weight loss methods that have been tested and proven with clinical research. As a result, you can stop wasting your time with diets that claim to help you lose weight fast  – to no avail. 

Additionally, your doctor can help you adopt manageable, sustainable habits to help you not only lose weight but also keep the weight off. This makes physician-led weight loss plans the best way to attain long-term results. 

A Personalized Approach

Everyone has a different body type, lifestyle, and genetic makeup. Simply put, we’re all one of a kind! So, it’s no wonder that cookie-cutter weight loss methods often fail. Your doctor can give you a weight loss plan that’s tailored to you for greater success. 

Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss

At Suncoast Urgent Care, we’re proud to offer Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss. With this system, our physicians and nurses will lead you through a thorough weight loss plan, including recipes, meal plans, and food choice guidance. 

For more information about Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss, contact us today.  

When to Take Your Child to the Doctor for a Fever

Thursday, March 10th, 2022

As a parent, it can be stressful to see your child come down with a fever. While there are several possible reasons for a fever in children, it’s generally caused by infection. 

Understanding when to take your child to the doctor for fever can help diffuse fear and ensure that your child gets the proper medical care. 

When To Call The Doctor For a Fever

If your child has a fever (a temperature over 100.4℉), you should contact your doctor if:

  • Your child’s temperature reaches 104℉ or higher.
  • Your child’s fever lasts more than 72 hours.
  • Your child has a seizure. 
  • Your child’s fever is accompanied by other symptoms including severe headache, severe sore throat, stiff neck, rash, or ear pain
  • Your child is unresponsive, doesn’t seem like themselves, and/or isn’t eating or drinking

If your child is under 3 months old, you should contact your pediatrician about a fever of 100.4℉ or higher, a fever that lasts more than 24 hours, and a fever that develops quickly. In infants, a fever may be the only sign of a serious ailment. 

When You Don’t Need To Call The Doctor For a Fever

There are many instances in which you don’t need to worry or contact your doctor about your child’s fever. If your child is older than 3 months, a temperature of 102.5℉ isn’t something to worry about, especially if your child is still eating, drinking, and generally being themselves. 

Additionally, if your child recently received immunizations, it’s normal for them to have a low-grade fever for up to 48 hours. A low-grade fever is between 99.6℉ and 100.3℉.  

At Suncoast Urgent Care, our team includes Emergency Medicine Board Certified physicians and Family Practice providers with extensive experience in pediatric fever. If your child comes down with a fever, you can walk into our clinic for prompt care – no appointment needed. Contact us today to learn more. 

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