March, 2021

When To See a Doctor After an Auto Accident

Saturday, March 20th, 2021

Unfortunately, car accidents are common, especially here in Florida. Approximately 20,000 car accidents are reported by the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department every year, making the risk of an accident high for all motorists, passengers, bikers, and pedestrians on the road.

If you’re in an auto accident, it’s essential to see a doctor promptly. Many different types of injuries may occur after an accident, not all of which will show immediate symptoms. To ensure that all injuries are diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, you’ll need to visit a doctor, such as one of the experienced physicians here at Suncoast Urgent Care. (more…)

How Doctor's Choice Weight Loss Can Help You Get Ready for the Summer

Wednesday, March 10th, 2021

Summer will soon be upon us. It’s common to put on a few pounds during the winter, with the holidays and more time spent inside, so many people are currently striving to lose some weight before bikini season rolls around. 

If you’re in need of an effective weight loss program, consider Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss, available here at Suncoast Urgent Care. This doctor-recommended weight loss plan is a safe way for patients to shed extra pounds just in time for summer. 

What Is Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss?

Doctor’s Choice Weight Loss is a physician-guided weight loss program. It’s efficient, educational, and backed by evidence. With this program, you’ll adapt to a healthy weight loss plan that will continue to work over time.  (more…)

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